Education Projects


Recycling Banks

Creating recycling banks within all schools for uniforms, PE kits, shoes, lunch boxes, satchels and any other school related materials. Savings for parents can best be employed on paying rent, utility bills, food etc as well as costs savings for lower income or single parent families (mainly affecting women who are usually, though not always the main carer). Children learn to recycle, which has benefits for our environment. Better dressed students can mean a break away from stigmatisation of ‘poverty’ and related bullying for wearing uniforms which are ill-fitting.

Recycling Initiative with the Gaming Industry

Creating a recycling initiative with the gaming industry of its unused computers, laptops, printers etc for schools or students whose parents cannot afford to purchase for home use (homework, research etc). This means all children have an equal opportunity to produce well researched and prepared homework / coursework for school particularly when undergoing GCSE/ A-level where the coursework element counts towards final grades.

School Uniforms

Generic uniforms in all schools so parents have costs savings in being able to purchase uniforms online at more competitive prices. This helps lower income families and families with many children.

Bullying Protocols

Introducing Official Protocols on how to deal with Bullying in all schools to protect victims, bullies, teachers and parents. At present there is no official protocol throughout the Education system that provides guidance on how teachers should respond to reports of bullying (verbal, physical, cyber) at different ages/ levels (e.g. call the parent(s), call social services, call the RGP?); there are no statistics held by the Department on reports of bullying; if we do not know the extent of the problem, how can it be adequately dealt with/ responded to by pertinent multi agencies?

Home Tuition

Introduction of Home Tuition for children who are long term ill or for any other reason unable to attend school (bullying); and for children expelled or excluded from school for their protection or the protection of others but whom statutorily must be educated.

Sex Education & Relationships

Education about how to maintain healthy relationships and improved sex education in schools, particularly with the growing breakdown in family life. 

Summer Mentoring Program

Summer mentoring program for undergraduates to teach core subjects literacy and numeracy to school students who are low achievers, those at risk of early exclusion from school or those who want to improve their attainment – there is already a successful summer/ midterm sports program.