GWA Warns About Dangers Of Underage Drinking

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The Gibraltar Women’s Association (GWA) has expressed its concerns about underage drinking in Gibraltar. The association urges the RGP to take a tough approach to tackle establishments that sell alcohol to underage teens.A spokesperson said: “Gibraltar teenagers spend their Friday nights in Casemates where there are bars and restaurants that sell alcohol. This can lead to underage drinking if not managed appropriately. Establishing a drinking habit or binge drinking cannot only destroy health but whole families lives. It removes inhibitions and children will behave in a way that is not normal for them or safe. They will be at risk from predators, more likely to be in an accident or get into a fight.“We would encourage the Royal Gibraltar Police to be tough on underage drinking and check and prosecute all bars who are found to be serving drinks to young people. We would also encourage parents to speak to their child on the effects of underage drinking and to get their children to carry their ID cards to prove age when necessary. Don't get caught out, stay in control of your actions and be safe!”