Winners For GWA Poetry Competition Announced



The Winners of the Gibraltar Women's Association Poetry Competition for International Women's Day are:
GWA Poetry Competition with the Title - "A Woman You Admire"
Ages 4- 7 - Winner - Lyra Jane Cant
Runner Up - Krishaa Lakhiani
Ages 8-12 - Winner - Dante Jimenez
Runner Up - Arianne Lee Parody
Ages 13-18 - Winner - Shakti Gina Giani
Runner Up - Ellise Brayson
Overall Highly Commended is Taneesha Nagrani

For the Minister's Choice:
Winner - Destiny Baglietto
Runner Up Inaara Mahoobani
Highly Commended - Siddarth Lahkiani
Catherine Earle
Special Thanks to ALL PARTICIPANTS that took their time to enter and especially the Class effort from St Bernard's First School 3R
We thank MInister Samantha Sacramento and her team, Also the Judges Jackie Scrivenn and Rebecca Faller and also thank you to GWA Committee and Sub Committee for all the hard work in making the event the success it was!
Thank you John Cortes for taking the time to attend and with Darren too. Great to see you both there!
Get Ready for Next one next Year!